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I love to cook pancakes as they are so versatile, using them as a quick snack, in desserts or as a breakfast with savoury fillings. I have also watched my good mate, Mike Cremer working his magic over multiple pans, to get great pancakes. Here I’ll showcase Mike’s quick and easy fool-proof recipe for the simple pancake. It’ll make about 12-14 pancakes in a 28cm pan.


  • 2 cups of cake flour
  • 3 cups of milk
  • 1/3 cup of sunflower oil
  • 5ml of salt
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 4 large eggs (preferrably free range or organic)

Give it a whirl!

Give yourself some time to make these as ideally the mixture needs an hour or so to settle once it’s been mixed.

Take the milk and oil and place in a mixing bowl. Add the first cup of flour and the salt through a sieve, then take a whisk and fold it into the milk. Add the next cup of flour and fold again until all the flour is coated by the milk. Then give that whisk a bit more vigour got achieve a smooth creamy mixture. Take this and place in a jug of sorts (I even use an old milk carton) – this way it’ll be easier to pour into your pan. Leave to rest for about an hour.

Place your non-stick pan onto a medium heat and add a small drop of oil. Wait until the oil has heated and move it around the pan to coat the surface and drain the excess oil from the pan before pouring your first pancake. Pour the mixture into the centre of the pan until is covers half the pan surface and then tip the pan to get the mixture to spread around the entire surface. Wait until the small bubbles appear on the top side of pancake and then turn. Give it another minute or so on the other side and remove from the pan. Leave on a plate in a warmer draw while you cook the rest.

A good tip Mike taught me was to turn the pile of pancakes over every 4 that reach the pile. This way they keep warmer for longer as the hotter ones are on the bottom and they don’t end up drying out.

Now get creative with how you fill or prepare your pancakes and enjoy the meal.

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